(Need to catch up or not sure what this whole Food Freedom concept is about? Click here for all of my previous posts!)
There’s a reality about Food Freedom that I wish wasn’t true, but it would be a disservice for me to not tell you about it. Food Freedom, as with diets, will give you that “high” and excitement at the beginning. It will be exhilarating to give up all of the previous rules you lived by and suddenly be “allowed” to eat whatever you want. Your life will feel like one big giant sigh of relief.
…but, to be completely transparent with you, it won’t always feel that way. There are going to be days that you feel insecure. You’ll doubt yourself. You’ll feel “fat” or bloated. Days that you’d do anything to feel that sense of control and structure that a diet brings.
Wait a minute – are you saying Food Freedom will leave me with that same sense of failure that diets do?
NO, because here’s the difference. Diets are full of false hopes and promises. Food Freedom/Intuitive Eating – when practiced correctly and given time – WILL deliver. While there may be struggles along the way, the light at the end of the tunnel is real. The freedom, peace, renewed mindset, new opportunities that you never saw before because you were blinded by your diet lifestyle…those things are real.
The good news is, the more you make a conscious effort to CHOOSE your Food Freedom, those days will become less and less frequent. I can honestly say that the longer I practice Food Freedom, the more I feel a sense of stability. I’ve had numerous vacations, holidays and weekends where I’ve come out on the other side without an ounce of guilt or failure. But that’s only because I practiced the things I’m about to outline below time and time and time again, and eventually they began to stick.
When you feel like you’re on the brink of giving up your Food Freedom and tempted to give that diet “one last try,” do me a favor and try these things first.
How To Maintain Food Freedom {When You Feel Like Giving Up}
Be stubborn.
Honestly, there are many things in life that you just have to learn how to say HELL to the NO. For me, going back to dieting is one of those things. No matter how I might FEEL at any given time, I’ve decided so deeply in my heart and mind that I’ll never diet again that it has become a discipline of sorts. It might sound easier said than done, but I think there’s really something to be said about just making up your mind and deciding not to budge, no matter the circumstances.
Get some sleep.
Ohhh sleep. The most underrated healer there is. I’ve found that most of life’s problems seem a lot less daunting and given a lot more clarity after a night (or a few) of some good old fashioned SLEEP. Instead of letting your mind run rampant with “coulda shoulda wouldas” or mapping out your next diet plan/strategy, just let yourself rest. Let yourself calm down. Sleep it out. Chances are your body and your mind just need some time to settle down and remember that FREEDOM is your priority.
Tap into that guilty feeling.
I know you’re probably thinking, ummmm NO? Why would I want to feel guilty? Here’s why. That guilt (or shame, insecurity, unrest, confusion etc. etc.) that you’re feeling? NOTHING GOOD CAN COME OUT OF THAT. Your guilt should be your number one indicator that you’re not on the right track. If you’re feeling that sense of guilt and unrest now, do you really want more of that? Because that’s exactly what a diet will give you. Maybe not for a few weeks or months, but it will. Instead of prolonging that yucky feeling, cut it off as soon as you can. Refuse to feel that way for one more moment. Choose your freedom.
If you couldn’t tell, I’m big on writing 😉 I think that writing is the best way to not only sort your thoughts but also one of the best forms of growth and self discovery. In this case, consider it almost writing words of wisdom to your future self. I’d suggest making your very own list of FOOD FREEDOM TRUTHS that you can refer back to when you’re feeling like you’re about to lose it. Here are some examples (pulled from my post on Practicing Food Freedom During Special Occasions):
Dieting has never worked for me in the past. Remember how it eventually made me feel.
I don’t want to spend the rest of my life focusing on food.
The real victory is knowing I am free enough to eat whatever I wanted without an ounce of guilt.
Having complete Food Freedom is genuinely so much more satisfying than a few “good days” of dieting.
I might overeat, and that’s okay. It is simply a choice and does not define me.
I want to be an example to show others what Food Freedom looks like.
Talk to someone who understands.
If you don’t have a Food Freedom accountability pal, I’d suggest getting on that ASAP. If you’re looking for likeminded babes right away, join us in the Food & Fitness Freedom Facebook Group! And if you want to get one of your friends IRL on board, maybe this it the perfect opportunity to start sharing your Food Freedom journey with someone else. I’ve found that sharing my own story with others has been a primary way to learn and grow more, not to mention it can be incredibly fulfilling.
As always, I’d love to learn more of your thoughts/experience on this topic. Feel free to leave a comment, join our Facebook community, or message me on Instagram.
Please note that I am NOT a health/medical/mental expert, and this is just my own experience/opinions. Please seek a professional before making any changes to your health routine.
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