Not only are we nearing the end of the year, we’re nearing the end of the DECADE. Um, wut????? I started to see a bunch of people posting that and was like, why didn’t we talk about this more when we first entered 2019? Not that I’d necessarily do anything different because, well, my year has already rocked.
But in the 2+ months we have left, here are some things I’d love to do before we enter into 2020.

{remainder of} 2019 bucket list
- go to The Frick
- buy a big-ish house plant
- take at least 2 days in a row off social media
- eat the Raouls burger
- make a banana cream pie (random haha but it’s my favorite and I’ve never made one!)
- read at least 2 more books
- get together with a new friend
- book a flight somewhere
- continue posting on the blog 2x a week (post 31-day challenge)
- invite someone to church every Sunday
- move into my dream apartment (!!)
- go to at least 2 more concerts
- go to dinner, a bar, or a concert solo
- host some sort of charity drive (would love to do my annual holiday party but not sure I’ll be able to with moving…fingers crossed!)
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